When I saw a major lot of journals go up for auction I couldn't resist putting in a minimal bid. I've already burned through one journal this year and started another, so I'm going to need more. One other bidder challenged me, but dropped out right away and I won the lot.
The lot arrived and it's even bigger and better in person.
Most of the journals are typical of the thrifted variety; most are brand new and unused, and a few have a couple of the first pages torn out.
Many were beautiful. I think I've seen this Van Gogh journal a million times and considered buying it, only to stop myself because it was expensive. Not this one.
In the lot there were several advertising-type books like this silver journal embossed with Indiana Furniture; some came with pens. The peacock book in the center is an address book.
Even the ones with covers I'm not terribly fond of (these three are my least favorites) I can make over with quilted covers.
Among the surprises was a blank Little Golden book. It has a white cover with the logo, and the spine and back cover of a Little Golden Book, but the pages are blank. Trivia about me: I worked as a secretary to a minister who was also the author of a Little Golden Book.
Stop by tomorrow to see more surprises.