While on a shopping trip last year I went by Sam Flax, the art store where I snapped the pic of this funny bird mural. It's been painted over now with art I don't like so much, which made me sad, but that's life.
I think I'm pretty much finished with participating in NaNoWriMo, which has just become a sad profit-generating shadow of the original concept. What I would like to do is make my own novel writing time challenge for the blog, and set my own rules. I write 72K novels in about six weeks for work, for example, so I could try to write one just for fun in the same amount of time. Maybe from September to October since November has always been a tough month to manage with my holiday depression. I like October better than November or December, too. Anyway, I'll keep you updated on this as I figure it out.
I took this pic 11 years ago while having lunch with Kat on the day the world was supposed to end because of the Mayan calendar thing, which frightened her. Having lived through a bunch of the end of the world scenarios, I proposed we go out and have a nice meal together at the tea room so we could die happy. We had a wonderful time, the world did not end, and that remains one of my favorite memories of time I spent with my kid.
Anyway, the point of this post is that everything changes, and not for the better, and someday the world will end for all of us. Get out there and do what makes you happy, my friends.