I needed to get some things for various projects so we stopped by Goodwill, where I found all my buys in mint condition. This nice 4" X 6" wooden frame cost $1.99, and was exactly the color I needed for the office. A comparable frame at Target costs $20.49, and I'm sorry, but I am never buying new picture frames again.
This wooden planter box was $4.99 at the thrift store. The exact same one on Amazon costs $14.99.
To buy this 10-1/2" X 7" scrolled wire basket new runs anywhere from $10.00 to $29.00, depending on where you shop. At the thrift store I paid $5.99 for it.
My neighbor puts up these outdoor flags for every season; they cost $15.00 to $20.00 new. I got this one because I wanted the fabric for a journal cover project, and the signature looks like Susan Winget. I paid .99 for it.