I discovered a hole in the patchwork of my Happiness quilt only after I'd hand-quilting three-quarters of the project. This was probably caused by my scissors catching a corner of the fabric as I was piecing it and snipping threads. I hate when this happens and I don't notice until it's too late to replace the block or fabric patch.
I sewed over it with matching thread at first, but that looked awful. I then considered patching it with a piece of matching fabric, but it was in an awkward spot (bottom right corner of the top left pale peach patch.)
My solution was to place a wee iron-on embroidered bird patch over the hole. I added two more of the same in other spots on the quilt so it would look like I meant to do it, too. It might not be the kind of solution every quilter likes, but the hole won't tear now, and the birds look cool to me.