I now have 8 lbs. of scrap fabrics from Fabscrap, which is probably about 15 to 20 yards of beautiful fabric in new condition. My challenge for the month of November is to recycle and upcycle them. I have a couple of sewing projects in mind, including a quilt, a new cover for the birds' cage, liners for the puppies' crates, and some runners and holiday decor for the house. If I'm feeling brave I might even make some garments.
For some of these projects I will need some supplemental fabric and trims, but I'm not going to purchase or use anything new. Instead I'll use on recycled, scrap or vintage materials from my stash. Then at the end of the month I'll estimate how much I was able to use, and show you whatever is left.
Stay tuned to the blog to find out how I do.