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Health Update

My skin treatment to remove all the precancerous patches on my face was successful, and much improved how I look, too. I'm being diligent about taking care of my skin, and will have a follow-up in January, but all the worry there is gone. Considering all I had to deal with were a few days of discomfort (and an aftermath that was basically just an ugly sunburn) I'm impressed with how well the blue light treatment works and how quickly I healed. I am not a quick healer these days.

I've also met with my new diabetes doc, who feels pretty optimistic about how I'm doing while back on the meds. My numbers have dropped consistently, and I'm being absolutely faithful to my diet. Since I refuse to take painkillers of any kind she wants me to try yoga to deal with my chronic neck pain. I do have an odd little wound on my right ankle that refuses to heal, and as feet are big issues for diabetics I'm having an ultrasound on the foot to see if there's a problem.

With my arthritis I have good and bad days, split evenly depending on how active I am. I'm beginning to have periodic stiffness and pain in both legs, which goes away once I move around a bit. Exercise seems to be helping me overall, so we're walking the dogs every night after dinner. Shadow walks so fast he forces me to tag along at a trot.

I need to lose that final thirty pounds before I reach my optimum weight, which is the real challenge. I already don't eat much, and a sedentary lifestyle is inevitable for a writer. For now I'm focusing on cutting out snacks and being sure I get up and do something physical every half-hour or so. We'll see how I do with weight loss in the months to come.


nightsmusic said…
I'm so glad the treatment helped and the worry is gone for your skin. The weight...I've lost 50 pounds, but it's because of the meds I'm taking for my ocular migraines. The other side effects are my hands and sometimes my face constantly feeling like they've fallen asleep. Makes it hard at times to hang onto anything which is already hard because my hands don't work like they used to anyway. And now with the grandbaby and watching her two days a week, I'm spending a lot of time on the floor. I'm too old for spending time on the floor! Kind of sucks getting old but it does beat the alternative, yes? Just take care of that ankle!
Maria Zannini said…
I wish Greg had your willpower when it comes to diet. I feed him diabetic friendly meals, but he still wants the bread or potatoes.
I must admit I miss having pasta and rice. I try not to lead him to temptation so I've given them up unless I make him his own meal and I make myself stir fried rice or pasta.

Good on you for being so faithful to your diet. If I send Greg to you, maybe you can retrain him. LOL! He won't listen to me.

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