Hurricane Ian hit us with winds of 60-75 mph according to the estimates I've seen, and we did have some damage to our old oak tree. Our new trees, however, did surprisingly well. Here's our orange tree, which we almost lost to frost last winter. It didn't produce any fruit this year, but it didn't lose any branches during the storm, and it's starting to show new growth.
Our lemon tree also survived the hurricane intact, if a bit wind-blown.
We removed nearly all the blooms when it flowered, but left a couple intact to see what would happen, and now we have a few baby lemons growing.
One thing I felt bad about with Hurricane Ian was our grapefruit tree, which was loaded up with fruit that won't be ripe for a few more months. I even predicted to my guy that we would lose them all to the storm.
Very startled and super happy that I was wrong -- we didn't lose a single grapefruit.