I didn't do a lot of quilting last month, thanks to being distracted by a renewed interest in other arts. I'll blame this silk velvet pumpkin I made from a kit.
I did finish this slow stitched beach bag from my summer projects.
I'm still struggling a little with not embellishing everything to death when I make a bag, but I think I did better with that this time. Helps if I put the bead box somewhere difficult for me to reach.
I obtained two beautiful vases for a song from Goodwill and made some fall decor arrangements for the house.
I'm quite proud of how well these turned out while using mostly thrifted supplies.
Crochet got its claws into me again when I decided to make some slippers in hopes it would loosen up my stiff fingers.
I was happy that I still remembered how to follow a pattern, although dismayed at how lame my execution was with this pair.
Investing in some scrap yarn from a professional maker allowed me to make a couple of crocheted binders for some supplies (these will eventually become book covers.)
Then I went into the yarn aisle at JoAnn for the first time in forever, and eight days later finished this v-stitched crocheted wrap. I don't regret being distracted by the pretty yarns and crochet projects, as making the wrap really helped loosen up my fingers and got me through Kat moving to Hawaii. Still, I think I will be doing nothing but quilting in October, starting with this project, the blocks of which I pieced while waiting for Hurricane Ian to arrive:
Bye, September. You were a lot of fun right up until the last couple days. :)