Monday, October 3, 2022

Bowled Over

I lost my old yarn bowl in the years since I stopped crocheting (it's around here somewhere; I just can't find it.) I've been using a pottery bowl to hold my yarn for now, but it doesn't have a thread catcher and the skeins keep popping out. So I went shopping.

I wanted a wooden bowl, but when I saw this guy I just fell in love.

He's mass-produced, and the glaze is a bit sloppy, but I don't mind. He's cute. I'm becoming that old lady who wants cute around her all the time. Sigh.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

There is nothing wrong with cute! I have a little Minion dressed like an elf that sits next to me and when I need to, I push his button and he sings Jingle Bells in Minion nonsense. It's cute. It makes me happy. There's nothing wrong with cute. That sheepie is adorable!

Ikea sells little felt 'baskets' and I buy them in a pack of three, I think, and use those for my thread scraps and skeins and such. Everything sticks to them so there's no chance of anything popping out or my losing anything.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...