I haven't done a pet post in a while. The puppies turned a year old at the end of May. We've given them free run of the house day and night, and leave them loose when we leave the house to run errands. I've left out their crates with the doors open (these are their safe places, and they like to nap in them.) Beau likes to keep an eye on me whenever I'm working while Shadow occasionally patrols the house.
These days Shadow rarely sits still for a photo; he's become a little more aggressive, too. He'll bark at anything he doesn't like, which is everyone except me and my guy. Beau is more calm and a Mama's boy, but he's just as protective. We let them loose in the backyard now, as they're property-line trained, but keep them on leads everywhere else.
Anything that falls on the floors is theirs, so I'm pretty careful about policing the floors and watching myself. I've lost a couple spools of thread that fell off the table while I was working. They're also still constantly chewers, more so than any dogs we've owned. I give them some rawhide alternative treats every now and then, but we're still going through non-edible chew toys at an alarming rate. That's really my only complaint. :)
I checked and it's not available right now, but my dogs love this. https://amzn.to/3xvHg1W
Not only is it good for aggressive chewers but it's good for their gums too.
I only have to worry about Odin picking up anything that drops on the floor. It's always the tiniest thing, a bread tie or a piece of nearly invisible string. If he's suddenly interested in the floor I'm running my fingers in his mouth to see what he found.
Do you spend a lot of time brushing them? They always look like they've just come from a fashion shoot. :)
Unless they get grass or duff in their fur we brush the dogs out only every other week after their bath. These two are the furriest Shelties we've ever had, and their coats are a little curly (which means they probably have something other than Sheltie in their family tree), but for some reason their fur stays neat.