Some days I feel like this old barn. No, most days. Yet the skin cancer treatment has my face looking much better, so there is that. I wish they could blue-light my whole body.
This week's avoid-depression challenge: my diabetes doctor abruptly quit her practice and returned to India, and her partner refuses to see any patients who aren't on Medicare, so I have to find a new doctor to manage my disease. My options are pretty limited out here in rural nowhere. Since this was the doctor who first properly diagnosed me (and the only one who has been right all along) I'm not happy about my prospects. Yet I keep telling myself it could be a good thing, and I might find an even better doctor. Who knows.
Also: some self-published author posted her books on a biography page of mine, and may be passing herself off as me. I've contacted the site and politely asked them to remove the books, and I'll have to investigate further to find out what more she's done. I have the feeling this is going to be a major headache.*
On the bright side, I'm starting a new novel tomorrow, which will help boost my spirits. I always like the first day of writing a new project. Edward is expanding our little garden and wants to grow corn now. I'm cheering him on from the sidelines. Kat is moving to Hawaii on September 21st, and the logistics involved in that leap are slowly coming together. She won't come home for a while now, but that's okay.
I'll probably be sewing a lot this week. I think I'll try a new recipe, too. Cooking is great therapy.
*Added: the biography page people removed her books from my page, but also removed mine under the same pseudonym. This because *I* was accused of being a fraud and pretending to be this woman in comments on the history tab. Since the people involved are obviously idiots who want to start something I'm not going to pursue it any further. The crap is no longer attributed to me, and that's all that matters.
re: biography page
This just boggles my mind. Are you saying someone is deliberately trying to pawn off her work as yours? And then the biography page people can't even distinguish between the fake and real you? It sounds like a badly written reality show.
PS I identify as that building. Ha! That is too close to the truth.
As to the biography site, if I'm understanding this, it's just a site that does biographies, not one that you maintain. I don't blame you for not continuing to pursue it then. It's just not worth the time and trouble.
Sorry I've been MIA this past week or so. Stuff going on...