This is the track of Hurricane Ian as of 9/26, and from what we're seeing combined with much past experience this storm will likely be a lot like Irma was in 2017, maybe a little worse. We're on the dirty side, which means an increased threat of tornadoes if the track holds (we did get side-swiped by one with Irma, too.) I expect our power and internet to be out for a week or more. So that's the bad news.
On the plus side, well, we've been here/done this lots of times. We will be very careful, not take any risks at all and ride it out like we always do. I've scheduled about a week and a half of posts to publish on the blog during my absence, but I won't be able to moderate comments for a while.
I'll post how we made out as soon as power and broadband are restored. Until then, send good thoughts our way. :)