Thursday, May 12, 2022

Quilt Update

I made decent progress embroidering the linen quilt this week. Also tried two new-to-me ways to use herringbone and lazy daisy stitches, and even got a little laugh from my needlework.

My first attempt to stitch sunflowers in a cameo surrounded by blanket stitched bricks resulted in something that looks instead like a smirking, unibrowed googly-eyed Muppet (and yes, it's okay to snicker.) I'll always smile when I look at that patch.

Using herringbone stitch as a way to fill in long, thin leaves was a neat revelation, and a great new technique to add to my skill set. I'll use this technique a lot in the future (I've also written a post just about this patch that will publish later on this week.)

I've also completed the very center patches on the quilt from one side to the other, so I'm pretty happy. Onward!

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

You just had to mention Muppets. I didn't see that at all until you mentioned it. But overall, it's beautiful!

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