I decided to quilt this house patchwork piece for my break from the linen quilt project; I'm also going to take a longer-than-usual break this week -- maybe four or five days.
I'm feeling a bit depressed after my quarterly check-up, which wasn't all that great. The doc and I decided I need to go back on medication for a while. Hopefully some dietary changes and more exercise will help improve my condition enough that I can get back off it after the summer.
As for the patchwork, I first removed the left-side ivory fabric strip (I didn't have any more to add to the other side) and added three strips from another estate lot piece to balance the house on both sides.
I'm going to quilt this piece entirely in holographic Sulky, as that makes me happy -- which I need right now. :)
I'm getting Greg ready for knee surgery. Because of his age and health he can only have one knee done at a time, but at least it's finally getting done. We've waited two years for this surgery.