Because I'm bored I've been trying a new-to-us recipe for dinner once every week, and decided to finally make Italian Turkey Skillet, the cover recipe on my favorite skillet cooking mag (click here to see the recipe.)
I used chicken breast instead of turkey, No-Yolks egg noodles instead of the regular variety, and added in two chopped fresh tomatoes from the garden, but otherwise I was faithful to the recipe.
My guy liked it a lot (as in he ate four plates.) Me, not so much. To begin with, I've never been a fan of egg noodles like him, and I thought rotini would have been a better pasta choice. It seemed a bit bland to me without any garlic. The chicken added nothing to the dish; I could barely taste it. On the upside it's pretty low-fat, and a good way to use leftover turkey or chicken, and it does turn out to look just like the picture -- hence taking the time to post all this. Maybe you all can improve it. :)