So far for my short story project I've written and posted a new story every Friday since October 8th, for a grand total of sixteen (I'm pretty sure I haven't missed a week so far, too.) Obviously I haven't run out of ideas, and it's still fun for me. I think it's good writing practice, too. I thought since I've made it through three months of this I'd take a look at the project.
Since my stories are usually written in one to three days, and edited only once or twice, there are bound to be flaws with them. I'd like to rewrite a few for that and other various reasons. The one I wrote the fastest was this week's story Oh, Hell, which is probably because it's a satire. The most abstract was Respite, which was also my first attempt at something like that. The most difficult to write was Peace as it really illustrates my feelings about the holidays, and I included some details from my own life.
I'd like to do more experimental fiction, but I'm also trying not to get too weird (for me, anyway.) So I'll continue on, and see if I can keep it going for another three months. Stay tuned for more short stories.