Tuesday, January 11, 2022

In the Garden

The strawberries have started making berries now.

They should be ready to pick in another couple of weeks.

I am absolutely drying herbs this week. Look at how nice the oregano (center pot) came back from almost dying.

These brussel sprouts are also starting to show a lot of growth now.

Our broccoli plant has just started showing the first floret.

I can't believe how tall the broccoli plant is growing. My guy says it may top three feet.

Our pepper plants aren't growing much, but they're not dying, so there's that.

We planted these brussel sprouts the same time as the others in the bed, but they don't seem to like their pot.

Winter has left the radishes small and a little raggedy, but they're still growing, so I consider that a good sign.


nightsmusic said...

It's 3 degrees here this morning...

Maria Zannini said...

It looks fantastic! My winter crop may be done for the year. We keep getting mini freezes that last only a few hours but that's enough to kill. I picked the broccoli. I still might get Brussels sprouts too. We shall see. The cilantro, parsley and thyme don't seem bothered by the freezes.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...