It dropped below freezing last week, and it will again in another day or so. This doesn't happen very often here -- maybe a few times every December and January.
We always cover the citrus trees and our little gardens to prevent damage, although I'm sure the strawberries love the super cold weather.
I used to think I could live up north, but now that I'm older and my feet and hands go numb a few seconds after I walk out in weather like this -- no. I bow to you guys for enduring much worse, especially you, Theo.
LOL! It's a heat wave this morning at 10 degrees. Yesterday, it ended up at 8 below. And I had to go out in that. There's a reason I invested in LLBean's Baxter State Parka several years ago. It's rated to 45 below and while we haven't gotten that low, we've hit 27 below here and it really does keep me warm. :)
I was happy to leave Chicago even though I was young and weatherproof. I just prefer warmer temps. That said, the nights here flip flop between mini freezes and normal. Horrible for gardens.
PS It's more important to wrap the trunk and any exposed roots of citrus trees with burlap or even bubble wrap. If it's a really hard freeze I'd use a blanket at the base.
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