The other day I bought some picture frames, but I couldn't throw away the four big pieces of newsprint the cashier used to wrap them.
I folded and cut the paper into this stack, and my creative challenge this weekend will be to make something out of it.
I finished another patch on the crazy tote with this beading -- not my best work, but still good practice for my stiff fingers -- and got in a few hours of stitching calm.
Kat leaves in two weeks for her new job in the northwest. I'm thrilled for her, but also a little sad to see her go so far away. I think spending a day with her doing our favorite things together before she goes is the best au revoir I can give her.
Your patch on the crazy quilt is pretty! You're too hard on yourself. It's artistic and pretty and doesn't look machine perfect. I like it :)'s hard when they go out on their own, but she'll be okay. And it's a good step into her future. And there's always whatever video thing you have on your phone so you two can chat. We got a LOT of use out of Google Duo when we were locked down.
Kat's leaving Wednesday morning, and taking a friend with her to share the driving trip. We're paying for the hotels and a plane ticket for the friend to fly back home. It's a big relief to know she won't be alone.