Our two new fruit trees look tiny compared to the others on our property, but I'm hoping they'll grow up strong and stick around for a long, long time.
In the garden the oregano has shot up and bolted, so we're just letting it do its thing. The strawberries are still thriving, too.
Kat's experimental artichoke seems to be doing well.
We've started a few more radishes. The basil is doing great so we're harvesting that now as we need it.
The pole beans have started producing as well.
The cucumbers have taken over the back fence and are starting to creep out onto the driveway.
I'm glad I'll be making a lot of salads and have neighbors that like cucumbers. It's cucumberpalooza here.
And we're still picking strawberries every two or three days or so. I think overall the garden is a success.