I got the results of my latest carotid doppler, and my clogged arteries are in the same condition they were the last time I was scanned. It seems my strategy of eliminating nearly all fat from my diet and drinking oat milk every day is working in my favor. I really need to watch my cholesterol like a hawk, but otherwise I'm okay for another year. So that's the good news.
The first time I was scanned the technician noticed some nodules on my thyroid, and this time she noted that they've grown larger, so I'm going back in two weeks for a thyroid scan. If there's something going on with that it might explain my perpetual fatigue and some of the other symptoms I've been having.
I also have blood tests next Friday, and a GYN check on the following week to cover all the other bases. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :)
Of late, I've had so many of my friends battling thyroid issues. It seems to be easily controlled even if surgery is involved. I hope it doesn't come to that. Fingers and toes crossed.
Thing 1 has shown some small nodules on her thyroid so they're keeping an eye on it. I take Repatha for my cholesterol, it's been a miracle drug for me. Without it, my cholesterol is over 325. Keeping you in my prayers, my friend, that you hear the best possible news.
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