I got another bundle of linen scraps from my Etsy seller, and then found two yards of a gorgeous 60" vintage navy linen on eBay for basically a song; that will serve as the backing. So I have all the fabric I need to make another recycled linen quilt.
Yes, I am insane. But very happy, too.
Seriously, I'm aware that I'm overloading myself with quilting projects, some of which I may never finish if my hands get worse fast. I don't care. You should do what makes you happy, especially in times when almost everything else does the opposite. I don't need another linen quilt. I need the happiness that comes with the possibility of making another one.
And hey, worst case scenario, I'll piece it on my Singer and send it out to be long-arm quilted, which is where I figure I'm heading with my quilting anyway once I can no longer hand sew.
One last note on NaNoWriMo 2020: My final wordcount was 75,105. I did not get on the site to update my stats before midnight, so the total there stands at 74,868. That is the most I've ever written during NaNo, so a new personal record for me. Whee!