Thursday, January 2, 2025

Downsizing and Simplifying

One of the reasons I chose to do 52 mini quilts as my calendar project this year is because it is less ambitious. I want to do more with my creative time than just one project.

Also, I'm probably going to go in and out of depression this year for reasons that I will not discussion openly online because of the search and destroy mentality of the people who created them. I am sad and scared and terribly upset and I likely will be for a long time.

Back in November I found this marvelous old bamboo basket for two bucks in a junk shop that perfectly holds the 52 cutter quilt pieces I cut for the project. I also have room in it to toss in some trims and embellishments.

I'm not making any plans on with what or how I'll turn these into mini quilts. I want to be spontaneous and improv the entire project.

Having an entire week to work on each mini quilt this year will also take the pressure off me so I can slow stitch to my heart's content. It will likewise permit me to take off a day or two if I need to when my hands aren't working too well.

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