Last week we made a couple of trips to see our brother-in-law after he was moved to hospice. He never gained consciousness while we were there; they were keeping him heavily sedated as he went through the final process. We visited with his daughters and granddaughter and just kept them company, which is all you can really do. The last time we saw him he passsed away later that night, so I'm really glad we made those trips and also took the time to see him at Christmas.
It's never easy to lose a parent, but seeing my brother-in-law surrounded by his loving family was good for me (I did not have the same experience when my parents died, and it was nice to see how it should have gone.) I really don't care for the grotesque rituals people insist on after someone dies; my guy's family insists on doing the whole open-casket service, which I find particularly repulsive. Remember people as they were when they were alive; that's my belief.
That said, he was very close to our BIL, who along with his wife was very good to me when I was much younger. This is what his children want, and I respect them. So I will attend and be polite and supportive and keep my mouth shut. This is probably the last funeral I will be obligated to go to anyway.
Yes, I'm still here. I'll email soon.
I just wanted to say I was sorry. The important thing is that you got to see him while he was alive.