Now that we're on the brink of summer, and the year is more than half done, I have been eyeing what I started but didn't finish so far in 2024. I like to finish what I begin, and I'm happy to think that I usually do. I still have UFOs, however, just like any other creative. Let's take a look at three of them today.
Like this crazy wedding quilt, which I set aside in early spring because the colors and the repair work were making me a little crazy. I always reserve the right to set aside a project that is making me unhappy, too, so zero guilt here. It's really not a project to work on during July and August, so I'm going to save it until the beginning of fall, when I can see if I want to dive in again.
Last year's calendar project is still in scroll form; I was going to turn it into a book and make covers for it. I started rethinking that and set it aside until I made a final decision. Final decision? I don't have one yet. Since this project is technically finished, and just needs to be put in whatever I'm going to do to store it for posterity (maybe upcycling a thifted box?) I don't feel guilty about it, either.
Here's a project I never mentioned to anyone: making new curtains for my home office out of thrifted material, namely this gorgeous floral organza. I really intended to do that after we cleaned the windows and blinds during the final weeks of spring cleaning. Only I washed the linen curtains I already have in the home office before I was going to donate them, fell in love with them a second time, and just shortened them and hung them back up. I am very loyal to things I love, so no new curtains were made. I will find something else to do with the fabric, I promise.
That makes the score for 2024 one Stalled UFO, one As Yet Undecided, and one To Be Upcycled for Something Else. Could be worse! Ha.