I haven't done one of these in a while, and some things have been getting on my nerves frequently of late, so here are
Ten Things That Really Annoy Me
AI Everything: Suddenly Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, doing everything, and just in case you're not worried about that, it's also going to kill us all (and is even actively threatening to do so.) What can I do about it? Nothing. I have no idea what AI is really doing or could really do, but if the people in charge of it allow it to do dangerous-to-us stuff then bad things will probably happen. And what can I do about that? Nothing.
Censorship Online: I just had to kill a free story as promo plan for my day job because I now have to worry about the people involved in online censorship of anything that is contrary to their personal belief systems. Seriously, did someone accidentally erase part of the Constitution, or what?
Doomsdayers: This is like the AI everything thing, in that there is nothing I can personally do to stop Doomsday. I'm old, so I likely wouldn't last long no matter what the circumstances (just not having my diabetes meds will probably kill me.) Yet according to these folks I still need ten years of nonperishable food and water hidden in a secret location on my property, lots of guns, and solar generators because the world is coming to an end (but if you use their special code, you'll get a five percent discount on the dried food, guns, solar generators etc.) Tell you what, if Doomsday arrives, I will be ready not to survive it. In fact I'll have a We're All Going to Die party at my house, and anyone else who isn't planning on surviving is invited. Much, much cheaper.
Dump-and-Go Recipes: There are women who love dump and go cooking; I am not one of them. It's lazy cooking, and the name is very unattractive. Please at least invent another name for it.
Halloween Hate: It's always been a harmless holiday for kids. I loved it when I was a youngster, especially as we were poor and didn't get a lot of treats back then. If you have a moral/religious objection to Halloween, shut off your porch light and keep your kids home, but don't tell me not to decorate or hand out treats.
Hearing-Impaired Impatience: I'm sorry I'm going deaf, and I do try not to bother people with my deafness. Sometimes I will ask you to repeat something you said when I wasn't looking at you so I can try to read your lips. Scowling at me or behaving as if I've instead asked you to cut off a limb is not going to make my hearing better, by the way.
Mannerless Young People: Someday you will be my age. When you are, I hope you remember the door you let slam in my face, or the grocery cart you shoved into my hip, or the way you cut me off on the road because I was driving the speed limit, you young jerk.
Rude Old People: Pushy, impatient, and just downright rude old people embarrass me. Just because you're elderly doesn't mean you can forget your manners, either, you old jerk.
Support My Cause or Else Threats: Any statement someone makes that is a variation of "If you don't support my cause, you are actively supporting the enemy of my cause" is not going to win my support. It's going to make me avoid you no matter what I have to do.
YouTube Quacks: Suddenly YouTube is rife with videos about homemade "cures" for everything from clogged arteries, diabetes, tinnitus and even more serious diseases. Which all boils down to quackery, people. Even if you can drink a cocktail of lemon juice, garlic, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar, all it's probably going to do is give you heartburn or make you puke. Follow your physicians advice and take your meds, and don't look for get-cured-fast crap.