As part of a friendly bet with my pal Jill, who also thrifts and quilts, I bid on and won a lot of fabric from The wager we made was to see who could get the lot with the most fabric in the best condition for the lowest price (and our bid cap was $30.00.) All of the fabric we don't want to use will be donated to our local quilt guilds. The loser will also donate $30.00 to the winner's favorite charity. Here's the lot I won when it arrived.
From studying the pics on the auction listing, counting the different fabrics and doing the math with the weight I feel sure that mine will come in around 70 yards, for which I paid $28.00, coming in two dollars under the bid cap.
I'll have the actual measurements and real cost per yard tomorrow, but just by eyeballing it I'm pretty sure just this one bolt of fabric is over ten yards. All the fabrics are in new condition, and have no smell, so I think I might have a decent shot at winning this bet.