Here's a lot that went up for auction last month on that seriously tempted me to bid. Reason #1: it's being sold by the same shop where I got the nine pound lot with all the panels over the summer.
There is so obviously yardage in this one, what looks like a panel and some Asian fabric, and maybe some patchwork (although I'm pretty sure that Dresden plate piece in the back is cheater fabric, not patchwork.)
That thimble piece in the back is patchwork, I believe, and everything in the lot is super cute. Why didn't I want to bid on it? I have enough fabric, and 15 lbs. = 45 yards that I really don't need, no matter how super cute it is. I have to quit before I become a fabric hoarder.
Only the universe sent me some extra royalties that week, and I am weak when it comes to fabric so I bid on it and won the lot. Stay tuned to see what I got when it arrives.
Image credit: all the pics in this post came from the auction listing at