I mentioned in an earlier post that I got sick this month. I started to feel like crap with a bad headache and muscle aches, and spent most of that night tossing and turning. It felt like flu, which I've only had twice in my life despite being constantly exposed to it. I didn't have much of a fever, and no throat, chest or nose symptoms, so I thought I might use one of my freebie goverment Covid tests to see if I'd finally been infected. That came up negative, but then Kat called to say she had gotten Covid, and showed negative on her first test. So I did another home test.
This is the new normal, I suppose. This is the first time I've ever been tested for Covid since the pandemic began, and I'm the one testing me while I'm miserable and feel like crap. Only today I do feel a little better, so it's probably not Covid. Let's go and look at my results.
Negative again. Yay. Love it when I'm right.
It seems to affect everyone differently. Fortunately we got it before the hysteria started so we just thought it was an overly long flu due to our age. We were miserable but not scared, which is the only thing covid brought to the table, in my opinion.
I'm glad you're better today. Stay hydrated. When I'm feeling like this I let myself take naps and take zinc and aspirin.