It's been a while since I did a garden post. Lots of things are happening; our brussel sprouts are full-size so I'm picking a few every couple of days to have with dinner, along with the radishes that are ready. Both are amazing and delicious.
By next week I should be able to add pole beans to the menu; ours are growing like weeds.
We have a bumper crop of tomatoes, too. I'd like to make these into pasta sauce when they ripen.
The bell peppers are also doing nicely. These will save me $$$ in the weeks ahead; I cook with them all the time but they've gotten insanely expensive at the market.
The cucumbers are ready to start climbing their lattice.
In the herb garden the chives have flowered a lot this year. Did you know you can eat chive flowers? They taste a little like onion.
We haven't seen any flowers yet on Dad's orange tree (not pictured; it took a hard hit from the cold last year and is still recovering) but Mom's grapefruit tree already has fruit on it.