I took this pics to show my kid, but since we've had a lot of growth in our gardens I thought I'd share them with you, too. The strawberries (front) are still hanging in, and even produced one flower this week. The cucumbers (back) are doing great.
I have to start drying the chives and parsley from our container plantings this week. The oregano is still slowly coming back but doesn't have a lot of leaves, so I'll leave that alone.
All I can say about the pole beans is wow. And wow again. They've doubled in height in the last four days.
We'll also start picking our radishes next week, as they're almost ready to harvest.
No sign from the broccoli yet. These little newbies are probably the brussel sprouts I told my guy not to plant (I'm the only one who eats them, but he wanted to give me a treat.)