Thursday, September 2, 2021

General Craziness

It's been eighteen months since I backburnered my crazy silk quilt project, so I got it out to brood over it.

It's prettier than I remembered.

I hate the pandemic for killing so many people and causing all of us to live in fear. I also resent it for railroading my quilting, especially this project.

Part of me want to work on this again. Badly.

The rest of me thinks I'll just screw it up.

Oh, well. I'm all over the place with my quilting these days anyway.

Maybe I'll work on the third block a little tonight and see what happens.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

I remember this! Stop worrying about screwing things up. I worry about that too. It doesn't get you anywhere and if we worried about that all the time, we might as well sit in a box and do nothing at all.

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