I need to get back to my happy place, and that means do things other than writing. So I have a new challenge for myself this week, and that's to read at least three new books. I'd shoot for a book every day, but I'm starting to write a new novel for work, which requires a lot of focus, and I'm also still working on NA #2. Three seems like a more attainable goal -- and here are the books I'll be reading:
There is no particular reason I chose this trio; they were simply the next three books on my TBR pile. I'll probably read the Anne Gracie novel first, then the Sandra Brown, and finish up with the Galbraith. Because life is short and my patience even more so these days I can't promise to finish the entire book if any one of them happen to be dreadful; there's just so much abuse my brain can take.
I also promise to write up a post on every book I read this week here on the blog with my honest opinions. Wish me luck. :)
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay