We eat at home basically all the time now, and only get take-out from restaurants occasionally, so I thought it would be a nice treat to go out. Yes, well, you know about the road to hell being littered with good intentions.
Although this place is located in the Villages, which is a huge retirement community, very few people there were social distancing or wearing masks. Some of them glared at us for wearing ours, like we were being offensive. I will never understand these anti-mask dimwits.
Before we sat down I thoroughly cleaned the outside table with the antiseptic wipes I carry in my purse, and we kept our masks on until after we were served. We also used hand sanitizer after the meal and kept practicing our social distancing. It still felt risky because of all the people not wearing masks. I probably won't do this again until we've all been vaccinated, which looks like maybe by the fall? I don't know. But this is why I don't like to eat out anywhere, even the places that are supposed to be safe.