Sunday, January 10, 2021

Barber in a Box

Since the pandemic began I've been cutting my guy's hair at home, using ancient clippers that I've had for over 25 years (I used to cut the kids' hair when they were little to save money.) So when I saw a nice clipper set for under $50.00 on Maria's blog during the holidays I decided to get that for my guy for Christmas. It was really a present for me, but since I would be using it on him I figured it counted.

This is a 30-piece set with clippers, two different battery-powered trimmers, scissors, two combs, all kinds of clipper attachments and even a cape like you'd have in a barber shop. Included is a nice, sturdy zip-up case in which everything fits for tidy storage.

Here's a pic off the box that shows all the pieces you get:

I finally got to use it the other night, and I was impressed. The clipper's blades are razor sharp and zip right through hair (now I realize how dull the blades are on my old set.) I also liked having the cape and the different combs. The hand scissors are also very nice.

Highly recommend this set if you're barbering at home.


Maria Zannini said...

Wahl is the best. Greg has had the same clippers for over 30 years and it still works great. He uses it regularly too.

nightsmusic said...

Jimmy has an old Wahl he still uses. I think he's had it oh...probably 20 years at least. He really only trimmed his beard with it until the couple of times I cut his hair at the back of his neck this past year, but it worked great!

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...