Paper wise, aside from old magazines and e-mails back and forth with editors there was basically just cards, items of sentimental value and contracts. Kept the cards that meant the most to me in one small drawer:
I have a lot of random pictures that migrated into the dresser. Also four old cameras, some of which still work, so I'm saving those to test. I also have a ton of small gift boxes saved for some reason. The top big middle drawer is now filled with things I want to throw away but I'm waiting to try out/find another spot for/put them in a photo album.
Here's a real blast from the past: thirteen-year-old me with my niece Jessie way back in 1974:
The third drawer is business stuff. I also threw a little handmade school award in there; I think it's Katherine's but I have to check.
Now I'm going to move all my office supplies (currently sitting on the printer stand shelves) over to the dresser, and then I'll be done with the office.