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Valentine's No-Nos

As the official day of love is fast approaching, here are:

Ten Things I Don't Want for Valentine's Day

Bath Products: While I love soaking in a hot tub, most of the products made for that purpose either irritate my skin or smell weird to me. Also, I have a thousand bath bombs from holidays and birthdays past that will likely last me until the end of time.

Candy: Hello, diabetic here (everyone forgets except me.) Sugarfree is fine, but I keep a healthy stock of that at all times to keep me from the temptation of the sugary stuff. Also, the older I get, the less I want sweet things. Salty chips, on the other hand, are my kryptonite.

Flowers: Too expensive. I just sent my mom roses for Valentine's Day and they wanted an arm and part of a leg.

Fuzzy Socks: While I love them, I currently own most of the fuzzy socks in the world. Seriously, like three drawers full.

Gift Cards: I'm really not shopping much anymore. I still haven't used all the ones I got during the holidays.

Nonfiction Books: Alas, I have enough stacked and waiting for me to keep me reading until 2025.

Perfume: Allergic to all of it in my old age, I'm afraid. Plus spending the day of love itching a rash is not my idea of fun.

PJs: I don't wear them (gasp!) If I'm cold, I sleep in an old t-shirt and even older leggings.

Romance Books: How to say this diplomatically . . . I'm too straight and soft-hearted to find reverse harem or motorcycle gang orgies or bully (really, we love bullies now?) stories romantic, how about that? Seriously, unless they're written by Mary Balogh, whose backlist I already own and who won't have a new book out until November, no thanks.

Smart Phone: I still hate them. The kids keep threatening to get me one. I keep threatening to accidentally on purpose drop it in the washing machine. Stalemate.

My guy and I are going out to dinner as our mutual gift to each other, which has become our habit for nearly all the holidays now. What don't you want for Valentine's Day? Let me know in comments.


nightsmusic said…
We don't exchange gifts for Valentine's day. We generally don't for Christmas either and the older I get, the less I 'want' anything because I can pretty much afford anything I'd want or need. The girls don't get us anything and they usually go out to dinner with their husbands. Occasionally, hubs and I do that too. That suits me just fine :)

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