Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Board Clean

Sometimes spring cleaning involves little projects like this one. Backstory: years ago the kids gave me a cork board for my office as a birthday gift, something which I have never before owned. Want to know why I avoided them?

Yep, a cork board is a clutter magnet. After a couple years of letting it go, I decided to clean it off and keep on it only the things that I do want to see every day. Now it looks like this:

I kept photos on it that inspire and delight me (I definitely need to add one of Oliver and his parents), a little art quilt, three motivational messages, a monthly financial reminder because I always forget that figure, and a little burlap bag. Inside the bag are the cut-up remains of the last two credit cards I paid off and cancelled -- a reminder of how good that felt, and to stay out of debt. Once I hung it back up in the office the whole room felt cleaner, so even little projects like this can go a long way toward improving a space.

No doubt it will get cluttered again this year, but from now on I'll make a point to clear it off every time I do spring cleaning to keep the mess to a minimum.

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

I dunno. I like them both. The top one shows a lot of interesting things going on and the bottom shows a fresh start. And I love the photos. :)

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...