My guy has gotten into thrifting with me, and last month took me on a little shopping spree which he also paid for, so I did not spend a dime for this lovely 9" cast iron grill pan, which will be great when I want to make salmon or paninnis.
It's in new condition, and it's a Lodge, so it was definitely worth $9.99.
Although I vowed not to buy any more fabric, I did see a bundle that had three different fabrics I needed for holiday projects. My guy talked me into getting it, and since he was paying, I caved in.
I'll do a separate post on the fabric once I measure it, but it was also worth the $14.99 price tag.
I stopped buying new clothes a few years back, and some of my worn-out t-shirts became a quilt over the summer, so I picked out three cotton shirts in new condition that I can wear through fall. From left to right the prices were $5.99, $4.19 and $4.19.
I also selected a few more shorts; all of these were $5.99 each.
I really don't need them, but I wanted shorts to go with my new shirts. Also, could I resist getting a pair of Elle black bermuda shorts for six bucks when they retail for $30.00 used? Nope.