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Fish or Wish, Nixed

In September my guy took me for a drive, during which we stopped at this huge lake bordering one of the largest cities in our area, not too far from our home. It was a bit like an inland sea, and I asked if he could come here to fish (his only hobby.) He told me that while they've been trying to clean it up for years the water is still too polluted, so they don't allow fishing. You would never guess that just looking at it.

It was a sobering moment for me, as I've always comforted myself on the fact that we live in a county of 1500+ lakes. I thought that if we had to after a disaster or whatever we could fish for food. How many of our lakes are like this? I have no idea, but I guess I'd better add some more protein to the emergency pantry.

My guy found somewhere a photo that showed an election sign that read "Everyone Sucks 2024" which made me laugh. I wanted to post a copy on the blog because I thought it was so funny. In a way it reflects a little of how I feel right now. For me it's just very hard to believe in anyone with what candidates do these days in order to get votes. Then someone I respect started talking about people shooting each other after the Presidential election this year, and maybe starting a civil war over the outcome.

Twenty years ago I would have scoffed over such a ridiculous prediction. Only what he said made me remember the terrrible events after the last election, and the fact that my great-grandmother was a nurse during the last civil war. It can happen. Suddenly the thought of declaring that all the candidates suck -- even as a joke on a blog where I use an anonymous handle -- didn't seem like such a good idea. By the time this post publishes it will be decided, hopefully in a peaceful way (but I'm not optimistic.)

The world has become too toxic in too many ways, my friends. Be careful what you fish -- or wish -- for.


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