As of October 19th (the date I'm writing this post) this is how my Art Quilter's Bingo card stands. I've stamped eight spaces, and at the moment I'm trying to decide which one I should next attempt with a project. My quilting pals have suggested thrift upcycle and add words. I'm thinking of embroidering a little poem of mine on something:
What bliss
to be a fish
all rainbow hues
no need for shoes
Maybe on a slow stitched fish-shaped piece (or with a big, pretty fish in the background)?
Something like this; just not black.
The problem right now is my hands. At the moment I'm in a neutral place with my arthritis. in that it's not getting better, but it's not getting worse. I don't want to push myself to hand-stitch too much right now so I don't cause another flare-up. So if I try this, I will have to go slow.