Last month I had remarkable luck at thrifting what I wanted for the minimum bid with no challengers, like this lot of eight quilting and craft books for $9.99. That's $1.25 per book.
I got this lot of seven Vera Bradley bags for $9.99, and no one bid against me. One bag as a minor rip in the side, and another has a stain on the inside, both easy fixes for me, but probably why the resellers skipped the listing. The price works out to $1.42 per bag.
For months I've been trying to find a pair of new sneakers for my guy at a reasonable price. Men's shoes of any kind and size are very scarce on the auction, and he wears a 9 wide, which is even harder to find. I lucked out when a listing for a pair of new-looking Nike sneakers went up for auction with an incorrect listing on the size (9 instead of 9W.) That kept the 9W buyers from finding them, and the 9 buyers saw the 9W on the label and didn't bother to bid. Anyway, that's my theory as to why I was the only bidder and got them for $12.99. P.S., they're $80.00 to buy new.
Did the items live up to my expectations when they arrived? Stay tuned to the blog find out.
All of the images in this post were taken from the original auction listings at