I bid on a small lot of yarn, as it had a few colors I needed for a holiday project. I had a couple of challengers but in the end I won it for a little under my maximum bid. It arrived last month beautifully packaged in a very nice floral storage box.
It came with an unfinished knitting project, ten expensive skeins of yarn in mint condition, some wool roving, very nice scissors, a collection of jumbo knitting needles, patterns and even some buttons.
Everything is in excellent condition with no smell; the roving is absolutely gorgeous (I've always wanted to try working with that, and now here's my chance.) The Sugar N' Cream cotton yarn skeins are worth $3.00 each, and the Buttercream Alpaca skeins are $11.00 each; just those ten skeins of yarn are worth over $70.00. That's why I'm comfortable with pricing this lot for resale at $100.00. I paid $13.54 for everything. Savings: $86.46.