Monday, March 21, 2022

The Renovation Part One

This is the old prefab fiberglass shower in our master bathroom. We inherited it with a patch already on the floor, It was dark (no light), cramped and a pain to keep clean. I have hated it for seventeen years, so I was not sorry to see it go.

Here is the shower after the fiberglass and wood were removed. Our builder found three walls that aren't plumb and a vent pipe in the wrong place.

Our hot water pipe (the one on the left) also started dripping from a joint leak sometime in the last couple of months. So as it turns out it was a very good thing we decided to renovate.


Maria Zannini said...

Can't wait to see the finish.

Oh, and after 45 years of remodeling houses, I can tell you for a fact we have never seen a plumb wall. New or old, they're all the same.

nightsmusic said...

I'm back!! Jimmy had his knee replaced last Monday. I can't tell you how bone tired I am. It's much easier being the patient, physical therapy and all (speaking from experience) than being the caregiver!

I took pictures of everything when we redid our bathroom, start to finish. And I agree with Maria because we've only ever had one house that wasn't a fixer upper. None of those houses had one plumb wall in them either. Good luck! Want more pics as the project progresses :)

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...