It's been a while since I posted some pet pics, mainly because these two won't sit still for more than a second at a time. But here's Beau with his perpetual grin. He's noisy and playful and a big marshmallow, but a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to cars, loud noises and strangers.
Shadow is still slightly smaller than his brother, and the quieter, sneaky one I have to watch; he rarely makes much noise. He isn't afraid of anything at all, and he's bonded with me and defends me like a guard dog, even going after Beau if he thinks he's playing too rough.
They'll be a year old at the end of May, and have basically settled down. They love to play Frisbee and we're starting to property-line train them now, although I prefer to keep them on a lead when we go out in the yard.
An ongoing problem is that both of the pups are still perpetual chewers -- I've never had any dogs that loved to chew as much as these two -- and they have a thing for gnawing on wood especially. This is why I have lots of bite marks on my sewing room chair legs and my antique table in the hall. We're working on that by giving them rawhide alternative chews and correcting them when we catch them. I've always said you can have nice things, or you can have pets; I'd rather have pets. :)
I hope you weren't caught up in the tornadoes! Stay safe!
I've had chewers and then I had Iko. We called him Beaver and Buzzsaw. That dog once chewed down a tree with a six inch diameter in the dog run. He destroyed rugs, my favorite couch, and once even a piece of the wall. It got to the point I always had to keep him with me so I could keep an eye on him. I couldn't trust Greg. One, he can't hear, and two, he always got absorbed in a game or tv so he was oblivious to Iko's misdeeds.
He was about two when all that stopped and he became the best boy. They just have to work it out.
Good luck.