In my eternal quest to find a fun, holiday-themed recipe to make as food gifts for our neighbors I tried this gingerbread coffee cake recipe. I happen to love gingerbread, and it definitely would be an interesting gift.
I sampled a small sliver to test the results, which were a mixed bag. As promised in the recipe notes the cake itself isn't that sweet, and does taste like gingerbread. But for me it didn't partner well with the icing drizzle and chopped crystalized ginger topping (and on the latter, whew. That stuff is very gingery-spicy.) The icing was far too sweet and had no real flavor to it, while the chopped ginger had too much bite.
Part of the problem is me. My grandmother always made real gingerbread (like cake, not cookies) with a lemon-flavored topping that sits in the back of my head and to which I compare everything I try to make. Anyway, I might try and tweak this recipe in the future, but for now I'm back to square one.