The starwberry plants are making a strong comeback now that cooler weather has arrived. The cucumber is heavily flowered and probably will start producing cukes we can eat in about two more weeks.
The oregano (center herb container) is also back, thank heavens. I promised Kat we would keep it alive, but it got a bit dicey after the transplanting.
We'll have more radishes to eat in about a week, and the first pole beans are just about ready to pick.
On closer examination, I'd say about half are ready for the table.
It was 26 this morning at 4am when I got up. It's 28 now. Just sayin'...
You did well. The beans look nice and fat.
It's in the 40s today. (just one day) But I think the writing's on the wall and it's time to harvest what's left. I started my fall garden weeks ago and they're doing okay now. I was battling cabbage lopers and losing until the weather got too cool for them.
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