Saturday, October 2, 2021

If, If, If

As it turns out Katherine may not be coming home after she wraps up this job; if she gets an offer for a permanent position elsewhere (a strong possibility now) she'll have to relocate to another state in the Pacific Northwest, find a place to live, etc. I would be thrilled for her, but a little sad for us. The situation reminds me of this poem, one of my old favorites:

If you were coming in the Fall,
I'd brush the Summer by
With half a smile, and half a spurn,
As Housewives do, a Fly.

If I could see you in a year,
I'd wind the months in balls---
And put them each in separate Drawers,
For fear the numbers fuse---

If only Centuries, delayed,
I'd count them on my Hand,
Subtracting, til my fingers dropped
Into Van Dieman's Land,

If certain, when this life was out---
That yours and mine, should be
I'd toss it yonder, like a Rind,
And take Eternity---

But, now, uncertain of the length
Of this, that is between,
It goads me, like the Goblin Bee---
That will not state--- its sting.

-- Emily Dickinson

Image by Susan Sewert from Pixabay


Maria Zannini said...

It is sad, but exciting too. I remember building my first pantry, furnishing my first house, starting my first adult job. I was poor as a mouse, but It felt like the world was in my hands. There was nothing I couldn't accomplish. It's a wonderful feeling for a young person.

I wish her all the best!

nightsmusic said...

As much as you hate to let them go, you have to let them spread their wings. She'll still migrate home, but that first real flight on her own...what a feeling for her. And just rest in knowing what a great job you did raising her, that she'll do so well on her own.

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