Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Switching Over

We had a transformer blow near my house last night, and my already ageing desktop computer did not appreciate the sudden power loss. This is why I say backup religiously; I didn't lose anything but three sentences of the WIP I was working on at the time. But my tower was very slow to come back on and the problems I was having with it got worse.

Weirdly I had gone to Office Depot earlier that day to buy a tower because it was on sale for $150.00 off; I was planning to replace the old one next week. So that worked out nicely (and a bit eerily. Could I be psychic? Ha.)

Anway, say hello to the new desktop. :)


Maria Zannini said...

Talk about good timing. Mine is getting a little cranky. It might be time to clean the insides with compressed air. Transferring software and files to a new computer is a tedious endeavor, especially since two of my software packages are very persnickety about being transferred. It always takes a call to their manufacturers to convince them I am the legitimate owners of the software.

nightsmusic said...

I'm with you in that I back up three different places. This was pretty fortuitous though on the timing. I use Macrium or Acronis to transfer my files. They've worked the best for me.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...