Monday, July 27, 2020

Unhappy Find

I'm in the process of cleaning out four bins of old paperwork, mostly related to my rookie year in Publishing. While sorting through the manuscripts and proofs I found these in a folder:

Mom gave me the magazine, and I bought the newspaper myself the day it happened. I probably kept them thinking the kids might want to read them someday (at the time my two were nine and seven respectively.) Now I'm wondering if I should just toss them out.

What would you do with these unhappy relics?


Maria Zannini said...

I'd keep them. If you do decide to throw them out, I'd be happy to take them.

One of the houses we once owned had two newspapers tucked away in a closet, one was when WWII started and the other was when it ended. I thought it was a treasure. It's likely Oliver will be just as fascinated. Why not create a time capsule for him to be opened on his 30th birthday?

What I'd give to have such a gift from my grandmother.

nightsmusic said...

I'd keep them as well. I understand that the information on the interwebs is endless, but that's a piece of history, albeit a tiny one, true, but still. Those kinds of history are going to be gone in the future unless you see it in a museum.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...